Saturday, May 12, 2007


After thinking about my answer to the question what legacy would I like to leave, which of course was completely appropriate for a job interview, I want to expand on that a bit.

I think if it could only be two words, "she cared" works. It covers so many ideas. I care about a person's salvation. I care if she is hurting. I care if he is successful. I care about her feelings. I care about his dreams. I care.

It's hard, sometimes, to explain to a student (or even a teacher sometimes) that I care about his/her salvation. Many students have said, "I don't care if you're religious, just don't shove it down my throat." I wonder who or what has ever pressured these people? An overbearing preacher or parent? A hypocritical youth group member? A television commercial? Or his/her own conscience and convictions?

This is where, for me, the relationship is so important. Only because a kid knows I care about him/her can I say, "If you knew about something that could change your life here on earth and your life in eternity for the better, wouldn't you want to share it with the people you know and care about? I've never had anyone say "no" to that question. But without a relationship with the person, I don't even think I've earned the right to ask that question.

So that's the legacy I want to leave. I care.

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