Sunday, April 22, 2007


My mom and dad retired to Naples, FL some 10-15 years ago, only to move back to St. Louis a couple of years ago because my dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. They moved back because they thought it was best--so that the family could take care of them. My older sister and younger brother also live in the St. Louis area. My older brother lives in North Carolina to be closer to his wife's mother.

I'm glad they moved back to town; I really am. However, it's been hard to live up to their expectations when it comes to visiting them. While all of us live in the St. Louis area, my husband and I are 45 minutes away from them. It's hard to get to their house as often as we would like.

Today we all went over there to spruce up the landscaping of their duplex. Next weekend, my dad turns 80! We are throwing a party for him and expect there to be many guests.

The job was much smaller than we had anticipated, so we were finished rather quickly. Once we had finished, all the siblings and spouses went out to eat while my mom and dad stayed with my brother's children. I felt bad. I went out there with the intention of spending some quality time with my parents, but that didn't really happen.

Weekends seem to go by so quickly. I can't wait until summer when my husband and I go on our big trip.

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