Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm Back

After an incredible vacation in June, a recovery in July, and a school year start in August, I've decided to continue writing in this blog. On my other blog, I had a good-sized audience. Friends and family followed our travels all over the West. They had fun commenting on our expedition, and many did not know I enjoyed writing; some were unduly impressed. Although it's nice to have an audience, I've decided not to link the two blogs. The content of the travel blog was light and only personal in that Tim and I narrated the scenery. In this blog, I tend to be more contemplative and philosophical. Of course, those ideas come from my life--too personal to share with everyone who knows me--I don't want to offend anyone. Therefore, this blog is more anonymous. (Can something be more anonymous?)

It's difficult to come up with something to write about everyday without more time and effort than I can afford right now. I guess I'll write when I have something to write about.